A philosophy professor was holding a lecture one morning on the nature of objects.
This was a Metaphysics course and the discussion centered on the professor's blue neck tie.
The professor asked the class "what makes this tie blue?" This was not intended as a trick question. "Pigment" one student stated."Refracted light on our rods and cones?" another proposed.Dissatisfied with the answers given thus far, the professor waited patiently to see if more suggestions were offered from the class. Finally a student in the back raised his hand and said "God makes your tie blue. God makes everything happen, so God must be the reason that your tie is blue". The professor was a kind man and a patient teacher. He said to the student "That is a very common belief. But unfortunately you can't have GOD in your ontology." This surprised the student, and he asked "Why?".
The professor replied, "You can't have GOD in your ontology because he does too much work."
Denny Bradshaw 1960-2008